Why organic cotton is sustainable?
Organic cotton has proven benefits and nothing can beat its claim for sustainability. Farmers, who shift to organic cotton farming, not only make their lives healthy but also benefit the ecosystem. As it eliminates the use of pesticides and fertilizers, organic cotton prevents contamination of groundwater, thus making drinking water clean and safe. It has been found that the impact of water pollution of organic cotton is 98% less compared to the conventional cotton production.
It prevents pests for a long time through advantageous habitat planting. It preserves biodiversity by eliminating the use of toxic chemicals and insecticides on cotton. Organic cotton farming also contributes to the fight against global warming. As synthetic pesticides and fertilizers are not used, it reduces nitrogen emission in the atmosphere. Thus, organic cotton produces 94% less greenhouse gas emissions.
In addition, cotton grown organically reduces soil erosion and creates healthy soil. This type of soil has the power to withstand even draught conditions. Organic cultivation changes the soil into a carbon pit, which helps to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It helps the farmers to work within their limits, supporting the planet in a sustainable way.
It ensures to reduce the environmental impacts at every step of cotton production, i.e. from not using GM seeds, to
methods of cotton production and manufacturing practices used for finished products. Research has played an important role in achieving these targets of sustainability.
Since, several textiles are produced from cotton; the apparel industry plays a significant role in the production of organic cotton. Apparel brands are developing programs that will use 100% organic cotton. A Swedish fashion retail brand is
offering 100% organic cotton garments. The company tops the list of biggest users of organic cotton in the world and aims to procure 100% cotton from sustainable sources by 2020.
Moreover, India is the only country in the world that grows and markets four species of cotton.
The road to sustainable cotton is not easy. The recent developments in the cotton industry and shift made by the apparel companies towards organic cotton ensure that by making a sustainable choice, the coming generation will get a
sustainable environment to live.