

Our artisans are mothers who create the fabric of life, tenacious dreamers and advocates of their own destiny. Each dress therefore symbolizes the encounter between the woman who makes it and the one who wears it, restoring dignity and strength to that female creativity that is too often discriminated against in the world. We are therefore committed to producing 30% of each collection directly from the source of inspiration, that is to say in close contact with the community of artisans and artists who have suggested the leaders of that certain season. We share 10% of our profits directly with the weavers, embroiderers and all the people we collaborate with on our path; the distribution of profits is in addition to the salaries for the creation of our products.

Finally, we take care to directly distribute the remuneration due to the artisans and document on the web, also through our social channels, the entire process of exchange and growth that takes shape from this project.

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